About Us

When close enough, isn’t.

Healthcare Horizons is a leading expert in providing healthcare claims audit services, identifying overpaid or erroneous claims through its 100% Difference model, recovering millions of dollars for clients’ bottom lines with uncompromising ethics and accuracy.

Since 1999, the Knoxville, Tennessee-based company has provided superior healthcare claims audits for some of the world’s largest self-insured employers, involving all national and most regional payers. We have successfully identified and facilitated the recovery of millions of dollars of overpaid claims for employers.

Our unique approach to healthcare claims auditing yields more comprehensive results than a standard random sample audit offered by most healthcare audit firms, resulting in the highest possible savings for our clients.

How are we different?

Our comprehensive audit process is not a software solution. What our auditors do is more art and instinct to interpret the findings rather than relying on software algorithms only. Certainly, we use computer programs to streamline the process, but it is the keen experienced eye and expertise of our audit team that make Healthcare Horizons different. The personalization of our audit process ensures that we sort through gray areas of plan details and even find errors that can be fixed for future claims occurrences, leading to future savings.

Because our clients are not healthcare claims experts, we help them understand in plain terms what hidden issues are driving claims costs higher than necessary.

Why it matters.

An annual 100% Difference audit helps keep rising healthcare costs in check. As many as 1 in 10 bills paid by private health insurance contains mistakes. A sample audit will not find every mistake, leaving thousands of dollars unrecovered. We help you reclaim those dollars and add them to your bottom line.