Is a key company New Year goal to have more fiscal control of your self-funded insurance plan? If so, there is one important message you need to hear and one important step to take to help protect your plan.
Not Everyone is Looking Out for You
If you take away nothing else from this information, heed this message: the only person concerned with maximizing your investment is you.
When companies self-funds their medical plan, they are responsible for every aspect of the plan – from full payment to legal requirements. Other plans have varying levels of partnership between a fully-funded plan and investment by the company. As corporations grow it often makes more sense to eliminate the go-between in funding and payment, not only to save on costs but also for more flexibility on the plan offerings.
While third-party administrators (TPA) can and do help manage self-funded plans, the TPA has no financial incentive to control costs. Their money is not on the line. When your financial balance sheet is the one directly impacted, you are much more likely to review payments and processes more carefully.
Audits are Insurance for Your Plan
So, what one step best ensures that you aren’t overpaying medical claims? Annual comprehensive claims audits.
Let’s be honest, human resource executives and benefits managers are busy. Few have the time to review the vast volume of medical claims submitted through employer-funded insurance policies. Even if they did, they may not have the specialized knowledge to properly identify the many types of possible errors. The good news is that they don’t have to!
A true comprehensive audit process is not a software solution. If it were, the same logic would be built into claims systems to stop overpayments from happening in the first place. We audit all aspects of the adjudication process from receipt to payment of the claim. Our comprehensive approach has offered our audit team a reference point for every kind of error possible. This has allowed us to recover millions of dollars in overpayments for our clients.
When our team is on site (physically or virtually), we work individually through each claim selected to resolve the specific questions that arose in the data-mining phase of the project. When the site visit is complete, we look back at the entire dataset to find all additional occurrences of systemic or repeatable errors. Healthcare Horizons customizes the most comprehensive audit process possible for every one of our clients to ensure positive outcomes. Once our audits are complete, we will make plan benefit recommendations for improvement and root cause correction.
The audit is designed to be a positive process between Healthcare Horizons, the client, and their administrator. We take pride in the excellent working relationships we have developed with third-party administrators and our clients. Healthcare Horizons may occasionally request assistance from the client when a clear definition of plan intent is required. Additionally, we can provide guidance to help our clients negotiate direct credits and monitor the recovery of claims payments until the client is satisfied. Whatever you choose, the goal is to return the most money to your bottom line. After all, it’s your company’s money and it should be available to use to provide more benefits to your employees.
Achieve Your New Year Goal with a Sound Plan
Fortunately, while the idea of a comprehensive audit may sound daunting, Healthcare Horizons is committed to identifying errors that will provide a positive return on investment for our clients, while comprehensively assessing the performance of claims payers.
So, this year, keep your resolution to make your self-funded employee health benefits plan as financially sound as possible. Schedule your free assessment to get started returning overpaid claims dollars back to your company’s bottom line, where they belong!