
You Don’t Always Get What You Pay For

Oftentimes we believe that if we pay more for something, we can expect to receive a product of higher quality or features. While that is sometimes true, in many instances you may just be paying for a name. When it comes to healthcare claims auditing, looking for the most familiar name does not ensure that … Read more

Finding the Silver Linings in 2020

With a difficult and challenging year coming to a close, many people are taking stock of both the things we look forward to leaving behind as we move into 2021 (toilet paper shortages, staycations and Zoom meetings!) as well as the silver linings that 2020 revealed. A crisis often makes abundantly clear that our former … Read more

Negotiating Surprise Bills Can Bring Relief to Employees Fighting Coronavirus

Air ambulance patient

The recent article, A $52,112 Air Ambulance Ride: Coronavirus Patients Battle Surprise Bills, reports that about 450,000 Americans have been hospitalized with coronavirus. Even those with strong employer-provided health insurance can be hit with huge surprise bills from out-of-network providers such as air ambulances. The results can be financially devastating and an undue burden on … Read more

Does Your TPA Really Have You Covered?

Does Your TPA Really Have You Covered?

While attending a conference last year, I engaged in conversation with a benefits manager from a large company. I pointed out that Healthcare Horizons could find not only current savings for his company, but possibly future savings.  I also reminded him that a self-insured employer has a duty of care as fiduciary of their plan … Read more

Negotiate Out-of-Network Provider Rates to Avoid Burdensome “Surprise” Bills for Employees

Avoid surprise bills

Air ambulance flights save many lives each year. Because air ambulance providers and insurers cannot always agree on a fair price, many air ambulance providers remain out of network.  These out-of-network charges — often in excess of $50,000 — may result in “surprise” out-of-pocket bills for tens of thousands of dollars for your employees. Roughly … Read more

Finding Money is Welcome in Time of New Financial Challenges for Self-Insured Employers

Healthcare Horizons helps self-insured employers find lost money and contain costs through comprehensive healthcare claims audits.

Remember that feeling of finding a forgotten $20 bill in your coat pocket when the first cold snap of Fall comes? Discovering something of value that was there all along can really make your day. As self-insured companies face economic uncertainty in the current environment, finding money that was there all along can boost an … Read more

Effective Cost Control Measures Can Combat Rising Healthcare Costs

As self-insured companies attempt to reckon with the current pandemic, rising healthcare costs is on everyone’s mind. Although it’s impossible to tell the future in such unprecedented times, there is a growing consensus that costs will rise and self-insured employers will be laser-focused on new and existing ways to control them. In the article What … Read more

The Healthcare Horizons Promise: People First.

You focus on protecting your employees’ health. We will focus on protecting your healthcare plan. As we navigate through new ways of working and being with our loved ones while addressing COVID-19, know that we are here to help. Our primary concern now is the health and well-being of our families and friends, employees, and … Read more

Recovering Your Money and Fixing Systemic Errors is our Superpower!


Errors happen. People make mistakes. Claims payment errors cost self-insured employers hundreds of thousands of dollars each year, and while we may not have X-ray vision, we can spot errors from a mile away. Healthcare Horizons comes to the rescue of our clients by going beyond the identification of payment errors to find root cause … Read more

Benefits Blues: The Moment You Realize Your Benefits Manager Has Some “Splaining” to Do

The moment you realize your TPA overpaid millions in healthcare claims.

Are self-insured CEOs asking the right questions of their benefits managers when it comes to healthcare spending?  Do they even know that there are crucial questions to be asked? Every year, millions of dollars in overpaid healthcare claims are funded in error by self-insured employers. Asking the right questions can help ensure that those dollars … Read more